trying the STNDRD 1000 mg cart the420vlogs Ep.14 #6daysto420

<p>what&#39;s up ya&#39;ll! I&#39;m not really gonna have a posting schedule over the next month but i am planning to post quite frequently because i have a bunch of videos stashed up i&#39;ve been wanting to get out to you guys, so here&#39;s one from the 420 vlogs lmao, i couldn&#39;t get these videos out months ago because of my computer crashing. i was able to save a few of them so i have this one and i believe two more. hopefully next year i&#39;ll have a better computer by the time 4/20 comes around again so i&#39;ll crush it season 2 lol, either way thanks for watching as soon as i&#39;m all caught up on content (hopefully by the end of the month) i will let you guys know a consistent posting day and my videos won&#39;t be as all over the place. i have plans for making different kinds of content on here then on my youtube channel so it gives people more content over time, just bare with me more shit to come! if you wanna keep up more regularly heres my socials:<a href="">::))</a></p>