10 Jobs In The Legal Cannabis Industry

Another article reading for you guys! The article is called "10 Cool Jobs in the Legal Cannabis Industry." I feel like this one would be great to share with you because who doesn't want to work in this industry?! Hope you guys enjoy it and get your foot in the door because this industry is growing fast! Shout out to TheBalance for the nice little piece of reading material! Check out these sites for job openings in the marijuana industry: 420careers.com/ cannajobs.420pros.com/ ganjapreneur.com/ msmarystaffing.com/ www.hempstaff.com/ Article: https://www.thebalance.com/legal-marijuana-industry-jobs-2059646 Song 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yg4gCbfYts Song 2: https://soundcloud.com/maxwellcantrell/like-a-child