VLOG - Qual Tamanhos de Vaso Usar (Pot Sizes)

<p>Alo familia, no video de hoje falaremos sobre cultivo e quais vasos usar pra plantar suas meninas, voc&ecirc; pode usar de pote de manteiga e de sorvete a vasos grandes, veja o video pra intender melhor.&nbsp;&nbsp;Se ainda nao &eacute; inscrito se inscreva, e compartilhe com seus amigos, vamos vir todos pra c&aacute; pro WeedTube. Se gostou deixa aquele like pra fortalecer o canal. Sempre tem atualiza&ccedil;&atilde;o do cultivo!!! Segue a gente l&aacute; no Instagram @sativistasrj</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Hello family, in today&#39;s video we will talk about cultivation and what pots to use to plant your girls, you can use a pot of butter and ice cream to large pots, see the video to understand it better. If you are not yet registered, subscribe and share with your friends, we will all come here to WeedTube. If you liked, leave that like to strengthen the channel. There is always a crop update !!! Follow us on Instagram @sativistasrj</p>