Five Neat Ideas for Pineapple Rinds 1) Juice ‘em – alone or mix with other juices. 2) Ferment – to make pineapple vinegar 3) Potpourri – add to peels of other fruits. 4) Foot Tenderizer – to soften tough skin. 5) Clean up – sanitize cutting boards. Seven million tons of rinds wasted each year! Read the full story at We’re Videofy! Videofy provides highly engaging, short animation videos, to companies providing nutritional information. We produce high quality original video content based on the latest research and trending news for food & lifestyle services, and health & fitness companies for their existing customers & online audience. These videos are white-label and can be rebranded for you at a cost-effective rate! We can also convert your existing newsletter to a video that your audience will love. Please tell us if you are interested in videos similar to this for your business. Videofy Your Content Today! Thank you! - Videofy Production Team