Five Neat Ideas for Pineapple Rinds 1) Juice ‘em – alone or mix with other juices. 2) Ferment – to make pineapple vinegar 3) Potpourri – add to peels of other fruits. 4) Foot Tenderizer – to soften tough skin. 5) Clean up – sanitize cutting boards. Seven million tons of rinds wasted each year! Read the full story at http://newsletter.dole.com/2013/rind-time/ We’re Videofy! www.VideofyNews.com Videofy provides highly engaging, short animation videos, to companies providing nutritional information. We produce high quality original video content based on the latest research and trending news for food & lifestyle services, and health & fitness companies for their existing customers & online audience. These videos are white-label and can be rebranded for you at a cost-effective rate! We can also convert your existing newsletter to a video that your audience will love. Please tell us if you are interested in videos similar to this for your business. Videofy Your Content Today! Thank you! - Videofy Production Team