CNN's Liebermann: Austin, White House Could Have Squashed 9/11 Plea Deal Years Ago if They Wanted to

On Friday's broadcast of CNN's "The Source," CNN Pentagon Correspondent Oren Liebermann said that the White House and the Pentagon should have known that there was a process to try to reach a plea deal with the three defendants accused of involvement in the September 11 terrorist attacks, including accused plotter Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, that was reached this week and revoked on Friday by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and "Had Austin or the White House wanted to stop this process and say, look, a plea deal is off the table, they could have done that at any point over the course of the past two-and-a-half years." So, "You have to believe that part" of the reason for the revocation of the deal "was the ferocity of the bipartisan backlash and the ferocity of the backlash from the victims' families when they were notified of this and then when it was announced publicly."