Alan Dershowitz said outgoing President Barack Obama is trying to "tie the hands" of his successor, President-elect Donald Trump, with his administration's decision to abstain from the U.N. resolution to denounce Israel for settlement building. The legal eagle called the move "utterly undemocratic" in an appearance Monday night on CNN. "First of all, Obama purposefully tried to tie the hands of his successor, which is undemocratic during a lame duck period. It will make it much harder for Trump to bring about a negotiated peace, because the Palestinians will have no incentive to do it. This is not policy; this is pique," he said. Dershowitz said the move by Obama is "revenge" and reveals an "angry" president. "This is a president who is angry and is trying to get even," he said. "There's no other way of explaining why the president would allow this kind of overwrought resolution that doesn't speak only to the expanded settlements, but speaks to the heart of Jewish Jerusalem." Dershowitz also <a href="">repeated his line that Obama will be "one of the worst foreign policy presidents" ever</a>. "It is a revenge, not a policy," he said. "And it is part of Obama's legacy. He is going to go down in history as one of the best domestic presidents and one of the worst foreign policy presidents in the history of the United States. When you think about Syria, opening up to Russia, the Iran deal, and now this culminates it. One of the worst foreign policy presidents in American history." "Shame on him for doing this on the way out," Dershowitz said. "That's a pretty bold criticism of President Obama," the CNN host moderating the panel reacted.