A Journey to Lake Powell Along Route 66

When you visualize the Southwestern United States, images of golden, barren deserts, vibrant hues of reds, vertical spires, the Grand Canyon and some of our nation’s most amazing national parks come to mind. Throughout the '50s and '60s, vacationers created life-long memories driving through this section of the country on historic Route 66, ushering in the automotive road-tripping culture. “Getting there is half the fun,” wasn’t only a popular marketing slogan, it was touchable and embraced. Ultimately these adventures were about creating memories with friends and families, and something you couldn’t wait to share with those yet to experience. Boating, in many ways, shares the same emotional DNA with the road-tripping golden age of the automotive era. It’s adventurous, invites community and creates memories. That in itself has no monetary measurement and something we wish for everyone to experience and make a part of their own DNA. In the spirit of adventure, and while embracing “getting there is half the fun,” we set out to do the same with friends from Axis Wake Research and our own Alliance team members. A road trip across some of our nation’s most amazing landscapes while paying homage to those before us. Through iconic sections of Route 66, camping among the wolves, a true and unplanned dirt road detour, river rafting Glen Canyon, an elusive Condor sighting on the rim of the Grand Canyon, driving down through Monument Valley, and then up the 11%-grade Moki Dugway pass, all to reach our final destination - Halls Crossing and the Bullfrog Marina - we without question lived half of this adventure just to reach our final destination: a houseboat trip on one of the most amazing bodies of water on our planet, Lake Powell. For us, the other half had just started and at the end our crew is forever bonded. We share an adventure and memories unique to us all, while imploring others to do the same.