Tucker Carlson reacted on Monday's broadcast of his FOX News program to the Biden administration's attempt to get people to believe that <a href="http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2022/04/11/psaki_we_expect_inflation_to_be_extraordinary_elevated_due_to_putins_price_hike.html">"Putin's price hike"</a> is real and a threat. "Putin's price hike? So I guess the question is how much dumb propaganda do they think we're going to believe? To think it's Putin's price hike, you'd have to be like a moron. Our central bank has made the dollar near worthless and they've been doing this for like more than a decade," Carlson said. <blockquote>TUCKER CARLSON: You remember Joe Biden's State of the Union address last month in which he promised he was going to do to Vladimir Putin what he did Corn Pop, he was going to beat him with a chain and destroy the Russian economy and crash the ruble... It would've been nice if Biden said I'm going to get Russian troops out of Ukraine and that will help everybody and everybody, including us, would have applauded. But he can't do that. So instead, he's going to destroy Russia's economy but he couldn't do that even. It turns out the Russian economy is based on commodities, it's not based on finance, it's not like our economy. Biden has never had a real job so he did not know the difference. But it turns out the ruble has bounced back. In fact, it's slightly more valuable than it was on the day that Russia invaded Ukraine. The economic situation in the United States by contrast is deteriorating fast. Here's Joe Biden's publicist today announcing that inflation is about to get worse and Vladimir Putin did it. <i><a href="http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2022/04/11/psaki_we_expect_inflation_to_be_extraordinary_elevated_due_to_putins_price_hike.html">[White House press secretary Jen Psaki: "We expect March CPI headline inflation to be extraordinarily due to Putin's price hike."]</a></i> CARLSON: Putin's price hike? So I guess the question is how much dumb propaganda do they think we're going to believe? To think it's Putin's price hike, you'd have to be like a moron. Our central bank has made the dollar near worthless and they've been doing this for like more than a decade. So if you think it is Putin's price hike, I guess they do expect we do think that, but the bottom line is Russia invades Ukraine. It's appalling. Everyone agrees. But our response to it, does it hurt Putin? No. It hurts the United States. We're the real victims.</blockquote>