Tucker Carlson: Why Is No One In Jail For "Gender-Affirming Care" That Is Genital Mutilation?

Tucker Carlson's monologue on "gender-affirming" surgeries that target children: <blockquote>TUCKER CARLSON: We're drowning in euphemisms as you may have noticed. No one in charge speaks English anymore. Instead they speak around English. Can't say anything clearly because the truth about what they're saying I horrifying. Euphemism is everywhere the later is gender affirming care. What is that exactly? Gender affirming care? Well gender affirming care is the sexual mutilation of children. That's what it is. Here's a specific example: Boston Children's Hospital alone performed 65 double mastectomies on children between 2017 and 2020. Now, these weren't mastectomies for breast cancer, not medically necessary, but in response to trans ideology, that's according to "The Journal of Clinical Medicine." Boston Children's Hospital is not ashamed of committing sexual mutilation of children. They brag about it on YouTube. [video begins] This is similar to hysterectomy. It's the opening of the uterus, and fallopian tubes. Some gender affirming hysterectomy will remove the fallopian tubes. It creates a penis or phallus for a person born female and wants to transition to a male. We use tissue from elsewhere. For example, the forearm or the thighs. [video ends] CARLSON: So that's not the sexual mutilation of children? That's exactly what it is. Why is no one in jail for this? No one knew it was happening. Then Libs of TikTok drew attention to it and confronted with the facts Boston Children's Hospital tried to deny it was performing these mutilations. In response, Libs of TikTok is being accused of something called stochastic terrorism. That's a phrase you hear all the time, bubbled up from the academic world and it's used by midwits online to suggest that if you disagree with them you're committing violence it's another attack on freedom of speech.</blockquote>