Fleischer: "Inflation Reduction Act" Should Be Called "Raise Taxes And Push The Economy Deeper Into Recession Act"

Ari Fleischer on Tuesday in an interview with FOX News host Sean Hannity said the Inflation Reduction Act is essentially "green corporate welfare" and should be named the "Raise Taxes And Push The Economy Deeper Into Recession Act" for the damage it does to the economy. <blockquote>ARI FLEISCHER: I don't see how this is a political winner for the Democrats unless they are counting on the left-wing base of the Democrat party that just thinks the world is going to end in 12 years. I guess we are down to 10 or 8. For them, there's no longer sitting on their hands getting out to vote because of the hundreds of billions of subsidies that are going to causes that I suppose they support. The bigger damage too is this bill really should be named the Raise Taxes And Push The Economy Deeper Into Recession Act. I have never in my entire career heard of somebody who thinks it's good public policy to raise taxes here as the nation is entering a recession. That prolongs recessions, that doesn't stimulate the economy, that doesn't give you the help that you need, it makes things worse and why? For really what is essentially corporate welfare. This is a gigantic spending bill to give money to green corporate welfare and that's what so much of the green industry has grown up into. Without subsidies they would never be competitive, they would never exist in the more subsidies you give them the more they are hooked on government. That's what this bill does end Joe Manchin, a moderate? No, he's a mini Green New Dealer.</blockquote>