Sen. Manchin (Attended Classified Comey Hearing): No Evidence "Whatsoever" Of Trump-Russia Collusion

West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin reiterates, after two hearings with former FBI Director James Comey, that there is no evidence "whatsoever" to prove the Trump campaign "colluded" with Russia during the 2016 campaign. <blockquote>STEPHANOPOULOS: Now joined by a member of the Senate intelligence committee, Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Senator Manchin, thank you for joining us this morning. You were in that room on Thursday for all three hours. You questioned James Comey. Was he a credible witness? SEN. JOE MANCHIN, (D) WEST VIRGINIA: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. He did a good job and I think everyone there, Democrats and Republicans alike, thought he did a good job. And he was forthcoming. He offered to come to the committee not only in an open session, he came to a closed session also, George, and that was pretty special because when you heard him say I'm sorry I can't answer that and speak about that in this setting, that was of a higher classified and we went into a classified hearing afterwards, he answered everybody's questions. So we were very appreciative of that. STEPHANOPOULOS; Do you agree with this conclusion that the president has reached that there was no evidence of collusion? MANCHIN: You know, we haven't seen any of that whatsoever, George. We've been looking and showing everything they possibly have. That has not led to that. We have ultimate -- all of us have the utmost respect for Bob Mueller, both on the Democrat and Republican side. I believe he's going to do his job thoroughly. We will accept his recommendation and pathway forward and I think that's extremely important that we all agree this is the right person, the right time to do this type of work. STEPHANOPOULOS: You saw the president's lawyer earlier in the program, Jay Sekulow, would not rule out the possibility that the president might in the future take action against Robert Mueller. MANCHIN: That would be a mistake. I don't know why you would take action against one of the most well thought of law enforcement persons we ever had serving in an unprecedented 10 year -- I mean 12 years. He's gone beyond his term, even stayed longer with the unanimous consent, unanimous vote in the Senate. STEPHANOPOULOS: You've heard... MANCHIN: so you have a person that everyone everyone respects and knows that he's above reproach.</blockquote>