MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace: Maybe It Is Time That We Ask Our Friends And Allies To "Monitor Our Elections"

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace said on Monday the solution to Republican candidates questioning the results of U.S. elections may be to have "election watchers" from other countries. "I shouldn't give them any more air time. But no condemnation. What the Republican candidates are doing this weekend was not promising to honor the results of their election. We are losing our democracy before our very eyes. And maybe it's happening too slowly for people to say hey, maybe we should -- maybe it is time that we have election watchers here. I am old enough to remember when we did that in other countries," Wallace said. Wallace also posed the question later in an interview with guest Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT): "I don't want to get off topic but if you read through the papers this weekend, the threats to our to our elections in two and a half weeks are pervasive and they are so dire dire, and they include violence, do you think it's time to ask for friends and allies to come over and help us monitor our elections?" "We used to do that in other burgeoning and threatened democracies," she added.