Krauthammer: Obama Believing He Is "The Best President" He's Ever Been Is A "Pretty Low Bar"

Charles Krauthammer reacts to President Obama's exit interview with <i>60 Minutes</i> in which he said, "<a href="">I'm the best president I've ever been right now</a>." <blockquote>CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I am the best president I've ever been? That's a pretty low bar. I'm sure all presidents on the week they are leaving office delude themselves into thinking they were a great, historic success. I'm sure it happens in all walks of life. And you wonder whether Obama believes it. I'm convinced he does. I think what he doesn't quite understand is yes, he did a lot of things but they are all built on sand. And the reason is he never brought in the opposition. He never brought in the country. He wins the election when he's on the ticket and he gets crushed in all the elections when he's not because, as he said himself, I'm not on the ballot by my policies are. He completely overshot the mandate. The mandate in '08 was to reassure a very nervous, apprehensive country and to govern sort of in a moderate way. He understood it as a mandate for his sort of social democratic -- he was Bernie Sanders before Sanders was Sanders. And he tried to govern that way and you can't for a country that is 80% non-liberal.</blockquote>