Steve Bannon Predicts "Astounding Victory" For House And Senate Republicans In November

In an interview on ABC's 'This Week' former Trump "Campaign CEO" Steve Bannon reveals that he doesn't talk to President Trump anymore but if Trump listens to his "inner voice" he will win an "astounding victory" in the November midterms. "I talk to him every day through the press and through the media. By the way, he’s got too many guys talking to him right now. All he’s got to do is listen to his own inner voice." "Write this down," Bannon said. "That’s going to lead to an astounding victory in November. He is going to run the tables in the House and he’s going to pick up a couple seats in the Senate." <BLOCKQUOTE>JON KARL, ABC: The president, of course, you alluded to, called you sloppy Steve. He said that when you got fired you not only lost your job, you lost your mind. STEVE BANNON: Right. KARL: Have you patched things up with the president? When was the last time you spoke to him? BANNON: By the way, before I took over -- before I stepped in as C.O. of the (ph) campaign, I probably talked to Donald Trump 10 times my entire life. OK? I don’t need to talk to Donald Trump. Donald Trump -- (CROSSTALK) KARL: But have -- have you -- have you patched things up? BANNON: Donald -- Donald -- Donald Trump is accomplishing everything he committed to the American people on the campaign that I stepped in as CEO (ph). I couldn’t be prouder of the guy. All he’s got to do is continue to hit those marks on that whiteboard and he’s going to run the tables -- you’re not going to -- KARL: Are you talking to him, though? Are you -- BANNON: No. KARL: No? BANNON: By the way, I -- I -- I talk to him every day through the press and through the media. By the way, he’s got too many guys talking to him right now. All he’s got to do is listen to his own inner voice. And that’s going to lead -- write this down. That’s going to lead to an astounding victory in November. He is going to run the tables in the House and he’s going to pick up a couple seats in the Senate.