Swalwell: 2022 Midterms Could Be "The Last Election" If Republicans Win

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said Monday on MSNBC that Republicans choosing <a href="https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/12/30/swalwell_republicans_have_chosen_violence_instead_of_voting.html">"violence over voting"</a> gives him pause to believe that if Republicans win the midterm elections it may be "the last election" in the United States. "I'm worried that if Republicans win in the midterm elections, that voting as we know it in this country will be gone," Swalwell told MSNBC host Chris Hayes. "They're already putting as many barriers to the ballot box as possible in Arizona, Florida, Texas, Georgia. And on the other side of the finish line, they're putting in place processes where they could reverse the outcome even if we crawl through glass and run through the fire to get to the ballot box, and so if they are able to win the House, the damage they could do, you know, to permanently make it difficult to vote and just alter the way that we participate in a democratic process could be irreversible." "This may not be -- as I said, this is not only the most important election, if we don't get it right, it could be the last election, because they're also putting in place what I believe is a way to make sure that Donald Trump wins with what they're doing across state legislatures to allow them to reverse the outcome and the electoral college," Swalwell said.