Trump: Our Biggest Threat Remains The Sick, Sinister, And Evil People From Within Our Own Country

Former President Donald Trump said the greatest danger to the U.S. "remains the sick, sinister, and evil people from within our own country" at a rally on Saturday in Ohio where he publicly endorsed J.D. Vance for U.S. Senate. "In this moment together, we're standing up against some of the menacing forces, entrenched interests and vicious opponents that people have ever seen or fought against," Trump said. "Despite great outside powers and dangers, our biggest threat remains the sick, sinister, and evil people from within our own country." "There is no threat as dangerous to democracy as they are," Trump said. "Just look at the un-Select Committee of political hacks and what they're doing to our country while radical left of murderers, rapists and insurrectionists room free. Nothing happens to them. But no matter how big or powerful these corrupt radicals may be you must never forget this nation does not belong to them. This nation belongs to you."