Cali Introduces Radical New 'Sex Ed' for Kindergartners

Cali Introduces Radical New 'Sex Ed' for Kindergartners The California State Board of Education approved a new sex education guidance on Wednesday that encourages teachers to give lessons on gender identity to kindergartners. The document consists of more than 700 pages and includes guidelines on a variety of health-related issues, but the most heinous guidelines are related to sex education. The original draft of the guidelines recommended that high school students should read a book titled “S.E.X.: The All-You-Need-to-Know Sexuality Guide to Get You Through Your Teens and Twenties.” The book “includes descriptions of anal sex, bondage and other sexual activity,” according to CBS News. So much for parents teaching their own kids about the birds and the bees.. Fortunately, that book was eventually removed from the final version of the document. The guidance suggests that seventh- and eighth-grade students should be asked to act out scenarios to teach appropriate behavior, according to The Washington Post. The state-approved document includes extremely explicit scenarios. This state-approved “guidance” is sickening, and it’s only the most recent example of left-wing adults pushing their perversions and sexuality onto children. California is becoming a modern-day Babylon, rife with degeneracy and decadence.