Newt Gingrich: Romney And Bush Dynasty Are Acting "Childishly" About Trump; "Get Over It"

On ABC's <i>Good Morning America</i> Monday, former House Speaker and Trump supporter Newt Gingrich attacked 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney as a bandwagon jumper whose support for the GOP "lasted as long as we were supporting him" and said the Bush dynasty heir Jeb was "acting childish." “The reason people nominated Donald Trump is they weren't happy, and frankly the Bushes are behaving I think childishly,” Gingrich said in an interview from the convention floor with George Stephanopoulos. "Childishly. I mean, Jeb lost," Gingrich said. "You know, Get over it. I mean, the fact is, this Republican Party has been awfully good to the Bushes."