While Samsung and HTC have made some fairly noble attempts, releasing their respective Galaxy S4 Mini and HTC One Mini smartphones, small form factor handsets have in general been pretty disappointing. This is because, in general most small hand friendly Android smartphones to date have been woefully under specced featuring low resolution displays and low-end dual core processors. Aware of this, Japanese tech giant Sony's moved to plug the current gap in the market with its Xperia Z1 Compact handset. Unveiled at the CES 2014 trade show in Las Vegas, the 4.5in Xperia Z1 Compact features a host of top end internal components. Chief of these are the Compact's powerful quad core 2.2GHz Qualcomm processor and high-quality 20.7MP rear camera sensor. However, costing £440-sim free, the Xperia Z1 Compact's top shelf performance comes with a premium price tag. For a more in depth look at the Sony Xperia Z1 Compact check out V3's full written review.