CNN’s Stelter

are nonsense. did he really say that? >>> a story you'll have to hear about a mexican reporter detained in the united states. he says deportation could equal death. his lawyer will join me to explain. >>> first, robert mueller is investigating russia's attack on the american election. now he is under attack. in this new assault is not coming from moscow. it's coming from fox news headquarters right here in new york. and it's coming from the white house. it's an anti-mueller, anti-fbi feedback loop, claiming that mueller's probe is hopelessly biased and downright corrupt. let's cue fox. >> i think what we have here is potentially one of the biggest scandals in american history where we're seeing, you know, our justice system being used to really change the outcome of an election. >> that's from "fox & friends" just today. now let's cue trump aide kellyanne conway last night. >> the fix was in against donald trump from the beginning. they were pro hillary. >> this is the feedback loop in action. i want you to see it over and over again. fox, trump, his aides, gop lawmakers, all of them, are taking a legitimate issue, the discovery of a mueller team member who expressed his hatred of trump in texmessages, now they're blowing it up, tlie trying to discredit the entire probe. that team member was removed from the probe when the text negligents were found. every day it's some new reason to claim that special counsel is illegitimate. try to notice how this works. right wing commentators and gop lawmakers are being owing each other. pay close attention to the banners on the bottom of fox's screen. last night, i can't believe this, fox is asking if the fbi has engaged in a banner said the investigators are in the hot seat. this isn't just an alternate reality. this is a reversal of reality. obviously it's trump world that son the hot seat. four trump associates have been charged with crimes. two of the four have pled guilty. mueller is investigating a massive fire. everyone can see and smell the smoke. this, instead, is what the president is hearing. >> the only thing that remains is whether we have the fortitude to not just fire these people immediately but to take them out in cuffs. >> that is jenine pirro, one of trump's informal advisers, not just calling for firings but arrests. i don't say this lightly but these fots, friends of trumps, are talking like propagandaistpropagandists. other fox hosts are calling the fbi corrupt and out of control. rush limbaugh is describing it as a coup and guests on these programs are comparing the fbi to the kgb. conservative media quirechoir is ...