Increase Sales with VIDEO

Hi! Vince Poscente here talking about instant impact and lasting influence. That’s on all our minds how we have impact and influence on people. In our business, our closing ratio (sales ratio formula) is 8 to 1, so I need eight holds before I get one speaking engagement. Instant Impact & Lasting Influence Sales Closing Ratio with VIDEO The thing that changed our closing ratio from 8 to 1 to 2 to 1 was when we started to send instant impact and lasting influence videos to our prospects. I just sent a 70 second video very short, very tight and didn’t sell anything, just gave them value. Just said, “These are the kinds of things that would be great at your event. I’m Vince Poscente. Happy planning.” Our closing ratio went up 400% simply by sending a video, very quick video, and it was on an iPhone. It was just on an iPhone… set it up on a little tripod on the desk and that was it. But, if you can have impact and influence through video, you know you that you can increase your sales and have more impact and influence professionally and even personally as well. Sales Closing Ratio Increased 400% I’m Vince Poscente talking about having instant impact and lasting influence.