How to set up the perfect Zoom call

An underdressed roommate, drying laundry in the background, screaming children: there are plenty of ways a zoom call can go south. Fast Comedy asked some of the funniest improv comedians in America to give you tips on how to manage a perfect zoom call by showing all the hilarious ways it can go wrong. Featuring Willy Appelman (IG @wappelman), Tessa Hersh (IG @tessandra), Roy Koshy (IG @thekoshman), Anna Roisman (IG @annaroisman), Katie Hartman (IG @khartsucks), Jon Braylock (IG @jonbraylock), Adam Harrington (IG @adamharrington), Dan Hodapp (IG @danhodapp), Becky Chicoine (IG @beckychicoine), Becky Yamamoto (IG @beckydyamamoto), Hayley Appelman (IG @heyshmay), Written by Willy Appelman & David Bernstein (IG @makemeahandmodel)