Scarborough: Why Is Dershowitz Surprised Martha's Vineyard Shunning Him? He's Undermining Mueller

Joe Scarborough and the <i>Morning Joe</i> panel share a laugh at <a href="">Alan Dershowitz's column</a> about being shunned by the Martha Vineyard summer social circuit on the Thursday edition of the MSNBC morning program. "Unfortunately, the source of McCarthyism is back. It is sweeping from Bar Harbor down to Boca Raton and all points in between for Alan Dershowitz, receiving the cold shoulder in the Vineyard," Scarborough said in a sardonic tone. "This is wrong," co-host Mika Brzezinski, Scarborough's fiance, said sarcastically. Ironically, though making fun of the extravagance of the wealthy who summer at the beach location <a href="">Scarborough and Brzezinski plan to wed on Nantucket</a>, another exclusive vacation island just to the east of Martha's Vineyard. "His defense is the worst defense in the world, which is, well, I also defended Bill Clinton after the Monica Lewinsky scandal. So, I also helped that administration pile on a young 22, 23-year-old woman. So, I've done this for both sides. Which is basically saying I'm the court jester. Whenever somebody needs me to jump around and bounce around and distract from the facts, I'm here for him. It seems to be the absolute wrong defense," Scarborough said. Scarborough said Dershowitz shouldn't be surprised at the reception he has received after he tried to "undermine" the Mueller investigation. "As my grandmother would say, Alan when you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas," the MSNBC host said. "He can't try to undermine Robert Mueller's investigation of Vladimir Putin trying to destroy our democracy, trying to undermine our democracy and then be shocked that he's not allowed to go to the finest spots on Martha's Vineyard." <script src=""></script> Scarborough asked "there's a reason why people" like him haven't been invited to Martha's Vineyard so why should Dershowitz be so shocked "that it is finally happening to him." "These things happened," he said. "I was just going to say, there is a reason why people like you and I haven't been invited to Martha's Vineyard parties while the Clintons and the Obamas ruled the roost there," Scarborough said to John Podhoretz, his guest. "Why should Alan Dershowitz be so shocked that it is finally happening to him? I wonder how many conservatives have been sitting around the table of those parties over the past 20 or 30 years. I mean did they have Steve Scalise there when Barack Obama was holding court on Martha's Vineyard? Did they have Tom DeLay there when Bill Clinton ruled? Come on. These things happen. And by the way, it is not just that he is against the impeaching of Donald Trump. The guy is running resistance for Paul Manafort every bit as much as he did for O.J. Simpson." Scarborough said as a "right-wing Congressman" and "outspoken conservative" he would not have been welcomed on Martha's Vineyard in the Clinton impeachment-era. However, Scarborough did not elaborate on his current Martha Vineyard's social scene status. "I want to open this up to everybody else, but I'm speaking to you as a conservative because you and I would understand this pretty well as being outspoken conservatives. Again, it may be a little more intense, but my God if I tried to walk on Martha's Vineyard in 1998 or 1999 during impeachment or 2000 during the recount, nobody would say, hey, there's Joe Scarborough, right-wing Congressman, let's invite him, you know, to our clambake," he said.