MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Against Showing Video Of Clinton Coughing: "I Don't Like It, I Don't Want To Show It"

The hosts of <i>Morning Joe</i> debated whether or not to show <a href="">the video of Hillary Clinton's lengthy episode of coughing</a> on the campaign trail on Labor Day. "What you see is what you get with these candidates. [Trump is] trying to make it look like Hillary Clinton is sick or something because she coughed... I don't want to show it," co-host Mika Brzezinski said. "It's silly." "I thought you wanted to," repied Joe. "I wasn't even going to bring it up." After viewing the video, Brzezinski says: "She's awesome. Not sick." Transcript: <blockquote> MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: What you see is what you get with these candidates. We have a lot to get to this morning. I will just start with what Trump is leading with, trying to make it look like <a href="">Hillary Clinton is sick or something because she coughed</a>. I want to know where Tim Kaine was when he was clapping behind her for two minutes. If I had a coughing fit what would you [Joe] do? You would probably take over and help out. Tim Kaine, what are you doing? You'd probably take over and help me out. Tim Kaine, step up, take the mic. Get her a drink of water. JOE SCARBOROUGH: [Tim Kaine] is a little awkward. And we have all of the conspiracy theories. Somebody was asking me, ohh, is this proof-- BRZEZINSKI: It happens. You help out. SCARBOROUGH: It's a tough schedule. It's a really rough schedule and some times you cough and do stuff like that. BRZEZINSKI: I don't really want to -- She doesn't, that's just B.S. ... It's silly. I'm not -- I don't -- I don't want to show it. SCARBOROUGH: I thought you wanted to. I wasn't even going to bring it up. BRZEZINSKI: This goes on for two minutes, and Tim Kaine just sits there. Grab the mic! She's awesome. Not sick.