Tumulty vs. Hemingway: After Breaking Story Of Spy In Trump Campaign, Wash Post Said There Was No Spy

'Washington Post' writer Karen Tumulty and 'The Federalist' columnist Mollie Hemingway debate the president's accusation that the there was a spy inside his 2016 campaign and <A href="http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/05/27/rudy_giuliani_mueller_probe_is_now_illegitimate.html">Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani's claim that Mueller's investigation is run by "13 Democrats."</a> "We keep on hearing about these people being lifelong Republicans," Hemingway said about special counsel Robert Mueller. "Then, when they actually talk we find out that that is not the whole story. James Comey just wrote a book and went on a media tour begging people to vote for Democrats. That is a lifelong Republican?" "Maybe Republican vs. Democrat isn't the best way to view this, so much as the establishment vs. outsider," Hemingway added. "And <a href="https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/05/27/sen_marco_rubio_kim_jong_un_has_emotional_attachment_to_his_nuclear_weapons.html">Marco Rubio apparently is unaware</a> that the FBI opened an investigation into the Trump campaign, he says there is no investigation into the Trump campaign -- that is not a secret. They opened an investigation during the campaign, and what we have learned in the last week from reporting in the <I>Washington Post</i> and <i>New York Times</i> is that this investigation involved far more surveillance than we ever had any idea about. It wasn't just a wiretap against a campaign aide that was able to wear a wiretap... it was also national security letters, which are secret subpoenas, and we know of at least one informant, someone secretly gathering information on the Trump campaign." "We are supposedly not allowed to call that a spy, but in the normal world people call that spying, but whatever it is, it is unprecedented, and the lack of journalistic curiosity about what was going on, how this happened, and whether protocol was followed is frankly scandalous," Hemingway quipped. <i>Washington Post</i> reporter Karen Tumulty responded, saying: "Wait a minute, Mollie, you just were quoting stories from the <I>Washington Post</i> and then complaining about lack of journalistic [curiosity]. Hemingway responded incredulously, interrupting Tumulty: "But, <I>The Washington Post</i>, after breaking the news that there were spies in the campaign, then runs a bunch of stories saying this isn't spying and they have no idea of what Donald Trump is talking about when he's complaining about what happened in his campaign." "They're stepping on their own stories," Hemingway said to Tumulty. "You see this in the <i>New York Times</i> and <i>Washington Post</i> and other media outlets acting like it is ridiculous for people to think that this is actually a huge deal, that our government was involved in this type of surveillance of political opponents and you're not seeing the level of questioning -- when did Barack Obama find out? What are his thoughts about this?" "I do think Marco Rubio has a good point, though," Tumulty said. "Which is that, ultimately, the distinction here is going to be whether they were investigating a campaign, or whether they were investigating a number of individuals on that campaign who we know had a lot of contact with the Russians." "The FBI already admitted," Hemingway said. "They opened up--" "They may or may not have had anything to do with the outcome of the election or their own business deals," Tumulty added. "Whether the FBI opened an investigation into the Trump campaign is not in dispute," Hemingway continued. "They have admitted they have done that. That is not a question. And so <a href="https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/05/27/sen_marco_rubio_kim_jong_un_has_emotional_attachment_to_his_nuclear_weapons.html">this is something that Sen. Rubio should know.</a>"