'For the Record': The Government's Fight To Avoid Enforcing Immigration Laws

The head of Customs and Border Protection, Gil Kerlikowske, told a Congressional committee that CBP agents who object to President Obama's deportation amnesty program should quit their jobs. "Well, if you really don’t want to follow the directions of your superiors, including the president of the United States and the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, then you really do need to look for another job,” Kerlikowske said during a March 1 hearing about CBP's budget. However, for many of the people living along the border and dealing with the fallout from those policies, that idea is laughable. "That is a total outrageous statement, said Ed Ashurst, a rancher from southern New Mexico. "To say a Border Patrol agent who doesn’t like Obama’s amnesty views can get themself another job. There is no constitutional basis for that train of thought." You can see the full story of life on the border by watching For the Record "Forsaken Land" on demand at theblaze.com/tv.