Trump Campaign Spokesperson Katrina Pierson Leaves MSNBC Anchor "Speechless"

Trump campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson left MSNBC anchor Kate Snow 'speechless' Wednesday, when she said that the candidate is not responsible for peoples' mistaken reactions to statements of his, that she sees being taken out of context. "If you listen to Donald Trump's rallies," Pierson said about comments this week about the Second Amendment, "He talks about this all the time --at every rally-- If Hillary Clinton is able to appoint Supreme Court candidates [who are] against the Second Amendment, there has to be something to stop her." "But does he have any responsibility for what people hear?" Snow asked. "For what they interpret as a remark inciting people to violence?" "If he had control over the liberal news networks, absolutely," Pierson responded. "But he does not. And that is another reason why we are talking about this today. Because they have picked out a piece of what he was talking about in the greater context of a topic he talks about at every single rally. And that is: The power of the NRA, and that is the ability for Hillary Clinton, if elected, to appoint candidates for the Supreme Court who will actually strip the rights from law abiding citizens to defend themselves." "Hhe wasn't talking about policy, he wasn't talking about implementation of policy. He was talking about what would happen if Hillary Clinton were to be elected, and he was absolutely right," Pierson said. "I'm speechless because I'm trying to follow your logic, here Katrina," responded Snow. "I'm having a hard time. <blockquote>KATE SNOW, MSNBC: If he is elected president, every word is going to matter, right? Every word matters when you are president... If his words are misinterpreted, he will not get a do-over if he is president... I think that is what a lot of people are reacting to here. If he misspoke, you don't get a do-over as president... KATRINA PIERSON, TRUMP CAMPAIGN: I don't think you get a do-over on anything at that level, like the imaginary red line in the middle east. Just like paying hostage money to Iran... When you're talking at a rally about the Second Amendment, and Hillary Clinton and Supreme Court Justices, to infer that something horrible could happen. I think we should talk about the horrible things that have already happened when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Like the emails that were just released that show her trading favors to donors to the Clinton Foundation. These are things that have a real impact on national security, as well as how the government functions. Hillary Clinton was for sale, and that means if she were president, our government would be too... KATE SNOW: To go back to my question, you have no concern about his ability as president if he were president to make an argument with foreign leaders, with -- in negotiations and not be misconstrued or misunderstood? KATRINA PIERSON: Absolutely not. I have no concerns with that whatsoever. He's not going to be dealing with foreign leaders at a political rally. It will definitely be a more serious discussion and not an off-the-cuff discussion. SNOW: There's a difference between speeches at a political rally and speech with foreign leaders when you're president? PIERSON: Well, yeah, he wasn't talking about policy, he wasn't talking about implementation of policy. He was talking about what would happen if Hillary Clinton were to be elected, and he was absolutely right. SNOW: I'm speechless because I'm trying to follow your logic, here Katrina. I'm having a hard time. PIERSON: I can tell. SNOW: There's a difference in your head between speaking to a rally and things you say in front of a public group like that, and what he's going to do when he's actually in the office? PIERSON: You know, I really don't see Barack Obama sitting and telling us exactly what happens in his private discussions with foreign leaders. <a href="">The administration has already admitted to lying to the American public</a> about the Iran deal. We already know Hillary Clinton lied to the public about what happened in Benghazi and <A href="">lied to the faces of the families who died in Benghazi</a>. There were very different things being said behind the scenes than what was being said in public. Wouldn't you agree?</blockquote>