Al Cardenas: ICE Detention Causes "Separation Anxiety" For Kids, "Pain Will Never Go Away"

GOP strategist Al Cardenas pushes back against claims from the president and attorney general that "f people don't want to be separated from their children they should not bring them with them" when they cross the border. <blockquote>CHUCK TODD: Let me play for you guys the attorney general on Hugh Hewitt's radio show, Jeff Sessions, that -- explaining this policy that they have instituted. Here it is. <a href="">JEFF SESSIONS: And every time somebody, Hugh, gets prosecuted in America for a crime, American citizens. And they go to jail they're separated from their children. And we don't want to do this at all. If people don't want to be separated from their children they should not bring them with them.</a> CHUCK TODD: Al. AL CARDENAS: Yup. Separation anxiety. I'm a refugee. I came to America. I experienced it. The pain, the heartbreak of a child about that experience will never go away in their lifetime. And to justify that by saying they have a clean bed and food is -- is such a cruel comment regarding what's going on with the children and their hearts and their parents. I will debunk two myths or lies from the White House right now. Number one, things are not the same as before on two areas. Number one, officer refugee resettlement. Before this White House changed the rules they would be the ones that would intake these children. They would interview. Most of these children had relatives here, mostly undocumented. And they would turn the children over to these relatives. The president of the United States changed it and gave ICE the jurisdiction that the officer refugee resettlement for decades has had. So what does ICE do? If you're a relative undocumented, you come to interview to take that child, they deport you and the child remains alone. And so relatives are not claiming the children. And all of that is because of this policy. And the second policy that's really all here, the president has total authority to deal with the separation of children. And so all of those arguments are fallacious. In the meantime, we've had more than 2,000 children separated in just a few weeks. That's deplorable. It's wrong. And this thing needs to get fixed. I don't care. You know, I was listening this morning to Kellyanne and Congressman Schiff going back and forth. When it comes to human tragedy like this you don't stop the personal, let's call it time out for a week and get something done.</blockquote>