How Salespeople Are Facing The Unknown

Facing the Unknown Andy Gole: …George Lucas has written how he was inspired in creating Star Wars by Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces… When does the champion become a hero? Is it when he or she is facing the dragon and brandishing their sword? It's when they leave the village and face the unknown ... Ashley Fedor: …watching how he speaks, watching how he approaches things is just a reminder that I have that capability um and I need to constantly push myself outside the box. Andy Gole: All my life I've had an interest in philosophy. One day, I discovered Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. A flourishing society consists of flourishing individuals which means we discover, develop and achieve our potentials including intellectual, emotional, physical. had this cast-iron jaw. Then the worst thing happened that could happen to a fighter. You got civilized... ... salespeople, they build a book of business. They become successful, and they become comfortable, and they stop doing the behaviors that built the business because they're civilized and they're above it. ..You've developed the systems and procedures to have many flourishing departments in your business including manufacturing, service, finance but there might be one department, maybe the most important department which is not development... Andy Gole Seminars Sales Leadership The Crisis in Sales Leadership Do or Die vs. Best Efforts Rocky, Freud, Darwin & Selling Crisis in Creating New Sales Relationships Heroic Selling Do you want me to sell or fill out paperwork? The Leads Are Terrible How Buyers Buy & What To Do About It