Candidate responds to "shithole" remark

President Trump’s attitude towards immigrants has been apparent long before the alleged “shithole countries” remark made during a meeting about immigration policy. Adem Bunkeddeko, part of a new wave of Congressional candidates from immigrant families, is pushing back. Bunkeddeko is a candidate for New York’s 9th district in central Brooklyn and comes from a family of Ugandan refugees who fled civil war to come to the United States. On “Salon Now” he highlighted that Trump is not the only problem, but rather a greater trend towards blaming economic woes on immigrants. “Who gets to live the American dream and what does that dream look like? That’s the ultimate question that we’re going to have to answer in this generation of politics,” Bunkeddeko said. Watch the video above for his full thoughts and tune into SalonTV's live shows, "Salon Talks" and "Salon Stage", daily at noon ET / 9 a.m. PT and 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT, streaming live on Salon, Facebook and Periscope.