CNN Woman Focus Group: Black Trump Voter Tells Hillary Voter If Hillary Were You, You'd Be In Jail

CNN holds a focus group with 6 women intending to vote in November. There were both undecided and decided voters in the mix. There was a confrontation between Donna, a black woman who is a Trump supporter, and another black woman who will be supporting Hillary Clinton. The pro-Trump black voter said "a lot of black people" voted for Obama because he was black and that has not worked out. "We as woman for years we've always had to get the blunt end of the stick and we have to suck it up sometimes," Donna, the black pro-Trump supporter said. "When it comes to Donald Trump I really believe he has had times where he has misspoken, but like you he has taken it back. But bottom of the line he's a man and he's learning and this is on the job training and I still say sometimes it is better to put a new horse in the race than to keep the same one who hasn't been winning because if the stable is going to get burnt down, you know, I want to be protected." "You can't be personable when you're not transparent," Donna continued. "You can't be personable when you're a liar, if you get caught in a lie. And, you know, let's keep it real. If she wasn't Hillary Clinton, if she was just an everyday person like you two undecideds, you'd be sitting in jail right now," Donna, a black anti-Clinton voter, told the group." "What did she do so wrong to end up in jail," a black pro-Hillary Clinton voter confronted Donna. "The e-mails," Donna responded "But think about it. Those e-mails were, and we all know, they were politically motivated. If something was wrong the FBI would have found it. They didn't find anything," the pro-Clinton voter said. "Donna, one of the issues that you brought up you have said you believe that the African-American community in America has taken a hit under the current administration. Is that correct?" the CNN moderator asked. "Yes," Donna responded. "A lot of black people voted for President Barack Obama because he was black and he's done for us in 8 years. So, I ask you if you gonna vote for Hillary Clinton because she's a woman, you know what I'm saying, there is already a practice that doesn't work. "The reason I believe in Trump is he wants Americans to succeed and even though he missteps and says things and then goes back and doesn't say that he said it and he has to admit it, he wants Americans to succeed," another female pro-Trump voter said.