Pelosi Warns Of "Grandma Living In The Guest Room" If Obamacare Is Repealed

Rep. Nancy Pelosi warns against cutting Medicare and repealing the Affordable Care Act, saying that people will have "grandma living in the guest room." <blockquote>REP. NANCY PELOSI: If you're a senior, you know almost half of Medicaid is about long-term healthcare. Do you want grandma living in the guest room? You repeal the Affordable Care Act. If you go along-- This is part of an initiative that is part of the Ryan budget, that says we're going to voucherize Medicare, we're going to block-grant Medicaid [to the states]. So this is a tremendous assault on the health and health security and finanial security that goes with what the Affordabl Care Act has done for the American people. And so, '<a href="">Make America Sick Again</a>,' is that what the Republicans want to do?</blockquote>