GQ's Julia Ioffe: "This President Has Radicalized So Many More People Than ISIS Ever Did"

GQ columnist Julia Ioffe said Monday on CNN that President Trump has "radicalized" many more people than ISIS ever did. Republican commentator David Urban took offense and demanded that CNN host Jake Tapper condemn what Ioffe said. "I think this president, one of the things that he really launched his presidential run on is talking about Islamic radicalization. And this president has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did," Ioffe said during a CNN panel discussion on the synagogue massacre. "That way he winks and nods to these groups," she continued. "'I know I'm not supposed to say it, but I'm a nationalist.' The way that he hems and haws when he has to condemn these people and gritting his teeth, kind of says, 'fine, okay, I condemn this.' "For her to say that the president of the United States has radicalized more people than ISIS is irresponsible," Urban pushed back.