Nancy Pelosi: A Guaranteed Income Is Worthy Of Discussion

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested a government-gaurenteed income as a solution to some economic woes brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Pelosi called the trillions of dollars in coronavirus relief spending Congress has agreed to is "stimulus." The Speaker said unemployment insurance and food stamps are examples of "stimulus" provided by federal spending. "Others have suggested a minimum income for -- guaranteed income for people. Is that worthy of attention now? Perhaps so," Pelosi said Monday. <blockquote>STEPHANIE RUHLE, MSNBC: But we know that the needs are massive in terms of economically. From a health perspective, we're preparing people to live without a vaccine for a year, but from an economic perspective, look at PPP. Even with all this money, we're only creating solutions for two months. Two months from now, when the majority of these businesses don't open back up, then what? SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI: Well, I think we should extend the time. I think what you suggest makes all the sense in the world. And then again as we go forward, let's see what works. What is operational and what needs other attention. Others have suggested a minimum income for -- guaranteed income for people. Is that worthy of attention now? Perhaps so because there are many more people than just in small business and hired by small businesses as important as that is to the vitality of our economy. And other people who are not in the public sector meeting our needs in so many ways that may need some assistance as well. </blockquote>