David Ignatius: As ISIS Is "Squeezed" In Syria, Expect More Attacks Elsewhere

DAVID IGNATIUS, WASHINGTON POST: ISIS has really taken an blow in the last month from the U.S.-led forces, with Turkish acquiescence. It is hard not to think that as they feel squeezed in Syria, they have been striking back at the country that has been their key conduit for bringing fighters and money and all sort of equipment. Istanbul airport has actually been one major gateway into the battlefield of jihad... I think we're in for a period when attacks actually become more regular and more dispersed. The one positive note I would take from what's happened over the last 24 hours, as grisly as it is, the statements released by President Erdogan have talked about solidarity. He said Istanbul and London are no different. Ankara and Berlin are no different. We're all in this fight against terrorism together and we're counting on our western allies. He could have said, we blame you for this terrible thing that happened to Turkey. We warned that fighting these islamists would bring ruin to our country. Instead, he seems to be reacting the opposite way and finding common cause. To be honest, to have the grieving people today after a terrible terrorist attack, currently by ISIS be Muslims in Turkey <A href="">says the basic point that so many people have been trying to make</a>, which is that Muslims are targets of this violence as much as they are perpetrators. That echoes here in our debate in the U.S. and the European political debate and, again, look at the statement and you see, I think, an effort to find solidarity, not an effort to isolate himself.