Christie on GA Voting Law: Biden Is "Lying To Cause Racial Division... That's What He Accused Trump Of Doing"

During <A href="">ABC's "This Week" roundtable</a>, former N.J. Gov. Chris Christie would not let go of accusations that Georgia's new election law is racist or reminiscent of Jim Crow laws. Christie accused President Biden and Democrats of "lying to cause racial divisions," which is "what he accused Donald Trump of doing." "Stacey Abrams was in New Jersey, in my state, praising Phil Murphy this week for a voting law where N.J. early voting is nine days. Half of what Georgia is. Yet she's on TV in New Jersey -- I saw it myself -- saying this is one of the greatest voting expansion bills we've ever seen, but this [Georgia law] is Jim Crow? I'm sorry, George. It doesn't make sense," Christie said. <blockquote>GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Chris, let me begin with you. The newest member of the Mets board. Was this the right move for the MLB? CHRIS CHRISTIE: Listen. It's just a symptom, George. It's a symptom of what's going on in our country right now. Let's talk about what the Georgia law is really about, because we haven't had much of that. Drop boxes become a permanent part of the Georgia landscape. They were not prior to COVID. They are now. Minimum of 17 days of early voting, including two Saturdays and two optional Sundays. You're going to have all voters having multiple ways to prove who they are; driver's license, last four numbers of your SSN, even a utility bill, or a free I.D. provided by the state of Georgia, and voting is going to be from 7:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m. as it is right now in Georgia. GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: What is this a symptom of? It sounds like you're against it. CHRIS CHRISTIE: I hate to come in here this morning and say this. I sat here and listened to the president's inaugural address. Just a key few points from it: <a href="">JOE BIDEN: "Politics need not be a raging fire that destroys everything in its path." "Every disagreement doesn't have to be a cause for total war." "We must reject a culture in which facts themselves are manipulated or made up."</a> And Joe Biden's broken his own rule. 84 days and now he's lying to the American people, George. He's lying about this bill. He's lying to the American people about it to cause the "raging fire" he said he was going to put out. I'm very disappointed... YVETTE SIMPSON: 17 days is not enough early voting. Stacey Abrams was in New Jersey, in my state, praising Phil Murphy this week for a voting law where N.J. early voting is nine days. Half of what Georgia is. Yet she's on TV in New Jersey -- I saw it myself -- saying this is one of the greatest voting expansion bills we've ever seen, but this [Georgia law] is Jim Crow? I'm sorry, George. It doesn't make sense. GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: She's not for moving the all-star game. But one fo the points I want to make here is it isn't just the MLB, it is Delta, it appears corporate America is out of touch with the Repubilcan base. SARAH ISGUR: That's certainly true... [But, the bill] doesn't end early voting! CHRISTIE: It expands early voting in Georgia. Here's what Joe Biden has to live with when he wakes up on Easter morning. He is doing exactly what he sat around in the campaign and the transition and accused Donald Trump of doing. He is lying to cause racial divisions in this country. That’s what he accused Donald Trump of doing and he’s a liar and a hypocrite this morning. GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Why is MLB making this move? CHRIS CHRISTIE: It's a business judgment, George. Major League Baseball has to make a decision about what is in their best business interest... GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Doesn't that suggest that there's something wrong with the law? CHRIS CHRISTIE: No. What that suggests is there's something wrong with the climate in this country. YVETTE SIMPSON: Ask the people who know. I've been doing voter protection for ten years. You can't give people water in line? I hold people's babies in line. CHRIS CHRISTIE: That's not true, you cant do electioneering. That's just wrong... 150 feet, where in New Jersey, in Chicago and anyplace else in the country, you're saying partisan groups cannot do electioneering by giving out food and water. The Georgia bill says it can be provided by the state of Georgia just not by partisan people. SARAH ISGUR: It's a stupid part of the bill, but it's not a threat to democracy. YVETTE SIMPSON: Every time you try to restrict voting rights, it's a threat to democracy. What's happening that is not even being addressed, the elephant in the room which is voter purging, 198,000 African-American Georgians from the rolls. RAHM EMANUEL: I feel like a middle child at dinner... you said Corporate America is is out of step in the Republican Party. Corporate America has no home in the Republican Party anymore, and this is the first of many times they are going to have to make a clear decision and it's a wake-up call to every other state. Joe Biden is not a liar. CHRIS CHRISTIE: Yes, he is. RAHM EMANUEL: We just spent four years with a person who literally couldn't find the truth when it was in a tutu in front of him in the morning. Joe Biden, you may disagree with his characterization, he is not a lie, you may disagree with his characterization. That bill was passed for one reason, and that's because Joe Biden won Georgia. And the two senators won Georgia. CHRIS CHRISTIE: He lied, Rahm. RAHM EMANUEL: He did not. CHRIS CHRISTIE: Yes, he did. </blockquote>