RCP Washington Bureau Chief Carl Cannon speaks with Ken and Daryl Weber, the authors of the upcoming RealClear Publishing book, <A href="https://www.amazon.com/Branding-Democrats-Top-Bottom-Reimagining/dp/1637554710">"Branding Democrats: A Top-to-Bottom Reimagining of Campaign Strategies."</a> The father and son team of Ken Weber political strategist and commentator and his son Daryl Weber, a marketing and branding expert, prescribe a radical new approach for the Democratic Party. Read an exclusive excerpt from the book, which will be published on September 13, 2022, at the following link: <a href="https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2022/08/17/rcpublishing_book_excerpt_branding_democrats_148045.html">Branding Democrats: A Top-to-Bottom Reimagining of Campaign Strategies</a>