CNN's Chris Cuomo vs. Kellyanne Conway: If I Have To, I Will Call You A Liar; Viewers Think I'm "Too Balanced"

CNN's Chris Cuomo and Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway get in a heated debate over anti-Trump bias from the network. Cuomo said that his viewers actually get "frustrated" with him because they think he has a problem of being "too balanced." "They expect you to be anti-Trump, your viewers," Conway said to Cuomo. "No, they’re actually get frustrated with me because they think we're too balanced on this show," Cuomo responded. "They don't want me to have you on. They don’t want me to have anyone from the administration. Trust me." "No, they're mad at you for having me on, right, and you know why that is, right?" Conway asked. "They don't want you to have me on, and my Aunt Rita said today, I don't know why you go on with him, he's not nice to you. But she’s watching." "They don't want you to have me on for a simple reason, they accept if not expect you and the rest of CNN to be anti-Trump all day long. And you know it. You don't have the same viewership that CNN once had. The people want it right down the middle, where the centrists and moderate and you know it," Conway said. "The reason they get frustrated is they believe that you guys don’t answer questions and that you spin a lot, and you ignore what is obvious fact," Cuomo shot back. "Are you going to call me a liar? Go ahead, you’re going to call me a liar?" Conway asked the CNN host. "If I have to, I will. If I have to, I will," he responded. "Oh, really, I dare you to do it. What is it I lied about?" Conway inquired. "I’m not saying that you're lying," Cuomo backed down.