MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said he has been let down by "stooges" and people he used to respect in conservative media because of their reaction to the recently released FISA memo. On Monday's edition of <i>Morning Joe</i>, Scarborough said that the FBI argument that 'we can't tell you' the information that justified the FISA warrant should be trusted because it's "classified information." <blockquote>JOE SCARBOROUGH: It doesn't seem helpful at all to Donald Trump's cause, in fact, it hurt's Donald Trump's cause. It may bring up a question of this one FISA warrant. And I say may because, again, the central argument for all of these stooges in conservative media I've got to say unfortunately a lot of places that I have respected greatly in the past, but a lot of the stooges in conservative media are saying, look at this FISA memo. And it looks like, you know, we have evidence that it was, you know, that they put it out there, the FISA warrant was issued without adequate evidence. Well, they know that the central argument, that the intelligence community has been giving, that the FBI has been giving, that the Justice Department has been giving is we can't tell you the underlying information that justifies the FISA warrant because, guess what, that's classified information. And again, they know it. But <i>The Wall Street Journal</i> is now parodying national Devin Nunes. <i>The National Review</i> certainly sound like they came close to excusing or parodying Devin Nunes, all of them knowing better. All of them knowing that it's the underlying information that is classified that the FBI and Donald Trump's own Justice Department says we can't show the public. They're taking -- they've become the party of WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden. I guess it was only a matter of time until Donald Trump's thinking infected the entire Republican party, even on intel matters.</blockquote>